A Tiny Book of Joy: 10 Ways to Bring More Joy and Creativity to Your Day - Every Day

I can barely believe that it’s true, but…I wrote a book!

It’s called A Tiny Book of Joy: 10 Ways to Bring More Joy and Creativity to Your Day — Every Day.

I wrote this book because I know from personal experience that small things can make a big difference when it comes to having a more joyful life and wanting to be more creative.

You can start feeling joyful every day if you choose to. Joy and creativity are possible even if you’re going through a tough time. You can do many tiny things to feel more joyful every day, and you can start making your art.

Please join me in celebrating the “birthday” of this new book. 

My hope is this book will find its way into the hands of people who need it most. 

A few things you can do to support this book: 

Join me for a virtual book release party:

  • If you’re in Australia: Thursday, March 9th at 9am Sydney time

  • If you’re in the US: Wednesday, March 8th 1pm PST or 5pm EST.

  • And it will be Wednesday, March 8th in London 10pm (Tallinn midnight)

I’ll read a bit of the book aloud and give away 5 books to people in the audience. A fun, relaxed, and welcoming event. I'll be right here (it's online, so you can attend from home!) at the above mentioned time :) 

Add the date and “location” to your calendar.

Purchase the book for yourself or for someone you love. 

• Contact your local public library. 

Ask if they’d be willing to order the book. That way, it will be available for everyone in your community. 

Thank you. I hope this book creates a positive ripple effect in the world. I appreciate your support. 

And if you have a book (or another project) inside of you that wants to come out, I urge you to write it and create it. You can do it. One step at a time.

“Small steps matter, and they add up to big, beautiful things.”


Is there a point in starting if you don’t know how to get to the end?


How to feel more joy every day