Little Things That Bring Me Joy

One of the things that I’m not fond of thinking about is the time when I was depressed. Now, when I write this, it sounds like I’m writing about someone else. But it happened. It took some time, therapy and being conscious of choosing things that bring me joy, but I was eventually free. And if I notice that feeling is rising from within me, I know what to do — I start doing things that bring me joy.

You have things that you can turn to when you don’t feel as joyful and happy as you wish you were. You may not have a ready-to-go list, but you do.

Here are a few things that I turn to when I’m feeling blue.

Breathe in and out. 

When you focus on your breath, all that matters is that breath. Nothing else. It can calm you down and interrupt the thinking pattern. As it’s usually the thoughts that make you feel unhappy.


Moving your body in any way helps the blood circulate better, including to your brain. They will help you find a different angle on your situation or simply stop thinking about what you’re thinking. The best way to walk is without a phone: just walk and look around. 

Another day, I noticed this beautiful tree with bright pink flowers on the other side of the road where I’d normally walk. I hadn’t noticed it the day before even though I walked exactly opposite it! Look around, notice things, walk on another side of the road, and tell in your mind what you see.


It may not be something you turned to, but studies show that writing can heal. Try a bit of writing in your notebook, or if you prefer writing on your laptop, try Penzu or a simple Google Doc. Write a letter to your parents or siblings or someone who may be living far away. It can be a simple card.


Call someone you like talking to and ask how they are doing. Listen. OR Put an episode of Friends on (or your favourite show). Watching Friends helped me so many times. Watch a comedy. Anything that will make your smile works really well.

Yoga or Pilates. 

Once again — moving your body helps. Even if you prefer to just sit on the couch, move your body. Both yoga and Pilates can help you focus on the current moment. And once you’re done with your session, you’ll feel better knowing you’ve done something good for yourself.


Listen to your favourite music. It sounds like a bit of luxury, but try listening to the music while lying in bed. Do nothing other than listening to the music. It helps to overcome hardship and heartache.


There is no need to write a long gratitude list but naming just a few things that you are grateful for or simply appreciate helps to feel better. Name good things in your life, notice good things. And yes, you can be grateful during difficult times, too.


Dancing is a perfect combination of music and movement. Pick your favourite music and dance. Or find a Bachata lesson and try it. There are Bachata lessons for one, so you don’t even need a partner to dance.

Rest and sleep. 

Get some good rest. Read a book, look through a beautiful photography book, have tea and think of nothing other than a teacup in your hand. Sleep. Close your eyes and breathe.


Buy yourself flowers. Do you have access to a garden? Walk around and smell flowers. Look at them and admire their beauty.

Create a list of what helps you to feel better. Make a list of your favourite movies. 

Read A Tiny Book of Joy to go deeper and experience more joy. You can do as much or as little as you choose, but just by reading it, you might experience the shift.


“If you’re feeling blue — try painting yourself a different color”

~ Hannah Cheatem. Age 8.


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