3 Best Productivity Tips for Entrepreneurs

Most of us strive to be productive. Here are the 3 best productivity tips for entrepreneurs that I came across. Tried and tested.

1. Ditch multitasking. Do one thing at a time.

As an entrepreneur you have a lot to do, lots require your attention.

The trick is to focus on one thing at a time. It used to be that multitasking was a good thing. A lot of people (including myself) put it on their resumes. The truth is - our brain can’t focus on two things at the same time. Yes, you can talk and drive if you’re not really focusing on what you’re talking about otherwise you get in an accident.

2. Batch it up & block your time

It's a logical continuation of “do one thing at time”. So if you need to make several calls - allocate the time for doing several calls in a row, or reply to several emails or simply just write your scripts for the videos, updates for social media. Instead of trying to jump from one thing onto another. 

When we switch between the tasks we lose 20% of our productivity. 

If you’re a recovering multitasker, then try The Pomodoro Technique. I explained it in “What the Pomodoro technique is” video more thoroughly with nuances and insights from me, but in a nutshell: you spend a certain amount of time doing one task (or your batched tasks). Usually, it is 25 minutes (one pomodoro) you work, then you have a 5-minute break, then another 25 minutes. After, for example, 5 pomodoros, you have a longer break. If 25 minutes sounds like a lot  but you can start with less. It’s like doing a HIIT or Tabata when you exercise (just the time you’re working is longer).

The Pomodoro technique not only helps you to focus but also helps you to understand how much time you spend on a certain task and this will help you to plan better.

3. Remove distractions

If you work from home it can be tricky to create a productive space.

There are several approaches: you can have an office. You can work in headphones.

A friend of mine gave me a great idea if you work with kids around you. Her boys would often want to hang around her when she was staying at home working. They were into soccer and she created this system. Red card - absolutely no distraction. Yellow: only if you really need to. Green - you can come and talk to me.

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What the Pomodoro Technique is and how to use it

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What the Pomodoro Technique Is and How to Use It